Monday, March 23, 2009

Readings Related to Voting

The voting process in which we participated was a bit chaotic, and related to one of the readings we did. In the white supremacy reading the people would not voice thier opinions out loud or in public, but rather, over the internet in an environment of people who they knew agreed with them. When we were discussing voting between the last two groups, there were a lot of people that didn't voice thier opinion, or only said things within thier groups where they felt more comfortable. I think it's important for people to speak up when they feel they should say something, however, they should say what they feel in a respectable way.

Class Process

I came to the realization last class during our class process of deciding on a social change project that there were many parallels between this process and the reading. In reading 50 it talked about white suprmeacy and how there are still white people out there who believe they are superior to other races. This reminded me of class because there were various groups in the class who believed there group's oroject is the best. Also in reading 18 talked about society's different views of races and the different preconceptions people have of each race. This reminded me how the class had a preconcieved notion that our teacher was the one who is supposed to be the mediator and to control the class, but that is not the case in this class.
IN order to improve this process nexrt time we need to make sure that we present all the facts first before we vote. Once we agree on how we will vote whether it is anonymous or not, we need to stick to it. When we have a result we need to accept it. There should be no more discussion beyond this point.

Readings + Class Process

During the last class, I felt that we had made some progress with trying to come to a group conclusion, but we still have a long way to go before we are doing something like this properly. However, it was nice to see some improvement from the last time that we attempted something like this. In addition to our own previous experiences, we can use the readings to try and improve what we are doing.

Reading 18, I thought talked a lot about some pre-concieved notions that people carry around with them. I believe that that is a huge part of the problem that we are facing when trying to come to this decision. Each group came up with an idea that they had because they thought it was good and that it would work. Obviously every group came into this thinking that their idea was the one that should be used. And then when their idea didn't get picked, obviously it is going to be a shock and make the people in the group a little disapointed. That disapointment could make the people in each group a little more resistant to accepting the other ideas.

With the reading regarding the white supremasist families, you could see some of the things that the families did happening within the class. Many times, people would not say what they wanted to say out loud because they were worried about the way that their ideas may have been taken. It is not uncommon that in the heat of the moment, an argument can be shot down, and not always in the most considerate way. Instead, people would say their ideas to the people in their group, the people that they knew would think the same way that they did, and if not agree with them, at least support them.

I think for another activity like this, we need to be MUCH more structured if we even want to come close to being successful. I think there needs to be some type of moderator. There is always a problem because people start talking over one another and arguing with each other and no one can actually communicate with each other. There has to be a set of rules and if, after a while, people think that the rules are no longer working, they need to voice that opinion, and we can look into changing the rules. All in all, I just think having it be more structured would help greatly in making it successful.

Class Decision Making

From the readings as well as the class decision making process, we can learn a lot on how to improve this entire process as well as learn how to make this project work in the future. First, the readings were very interesting and they all tie together and give us some insight on what we are doing in class. The readings have to do a lot with groups and how they are organized and where they are doing their work. Chapter 49 and 50 deal a lot with social roles and what is acceptable. 49 deals with the Mothers of East Los Angeles who are nurturing their communities and this is seen as a social role women have had in our society. 50 deals with another social role because the white separatist know it is no longer acceptable in the public eye to practice what they believe in so they have taken their views "underground" and used the Internet as well as private quarters to spread their message and according to them keep the white race alive. The other two readings have to do with racism and how these people have acted toward what society tells them they should do. There is a reoccurring theme between all of these readings, they are following the social construction of society in one way or another. I think all of these readings show how individuals have acted toward what society has given them. We too as a class, must go through people in society to do this social change project and work together to get something constructive done. We must not put down other people while doing the project and support each other for the ideas they give.

The class activity was extremely hectic and we can learn a lot from the experience and try to improve. First, I feel that we were all over the place with ideas on the social change project and that made it difficult to agree which started a fight. The most important change we need is some type of lead figure who can dictate who speaks so we are all not yelling. I was someone in the class who spoke and got her opinion across in midst of many other people talking. In a heated debate, many find it hard to keep quiet and I think that having someone who can attempt to keep it more organized will help everyone talk and get their opinions across. Once we have established a more organized way of getting our opinions across, we should have elaborated more on the next steps before just voting. I liked the idea that we eliminated a few ideas so we could focus more on a few projects and could really ask questions about their plans on the project. I felt it was very important to ask questions and attempt to understand what the group intentions were. Overall I think it would of been better if we would of had some type of system that eliminated the conversation or sometimes yelling between groups. This obviously caused hostility in the classroom and although I feel it was no intentional everyone felt attacked. If we can eliminate that feeling of being attacked I think there will be a better chance of the class talking in a civilized manner. I think people with opinions should speak up because it is useless to keep them to themselves if we are all trying to do something that will in the end affect our community as well as our grades. For the future we all need to attempt to leave the hostility behind and not judge others for their ideas or critiques because it will only end in a negative way.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


There are several ways that the readings relate to how we’re trying to pick a group project in class. The article that we read about white supremacy mentioned how white supremacists today are not open about their beliefs. One man was quoted saying something along the lines of: I treat the people I work with equally even though they aren’t white because I’d get fired from my job if I treated them how I think they should be treated. These supremacists escape to the Internet to post in blogs how they truly feel or keep their opinions within their families. This is because these views are not accepted today. During class, while everyone was screaming and trying to figure things out, I thought in a way the groups acted similar to the families of the white supremacists. Although some people were loud in expressing their opinions, others just kept theirs within their groups and were not willing to speak aloud. Maybe not for the same reasons that the white supremacists do, but because they didn’t think their opinions would be accepted or heard.

You could also compare what our class is doing with what the mothers did in article 49. Although we have not been as successful as these women yet, we are trying to unite together for a common cause. I think we’re on the right track to deciding the social project, but as Olivia mentioned in her blog we need to discuss more and argue less. Both groups left need to have a chance to present why their project promotes a better social change and how they fulfill the requirements of the list we all agreed upon together. I also think that we should have never held votes with the anonymous ballads, especially since people are now being accused of voting for their own groups. Just with moving forward with the two remaining groups, we need to figure out which project we can all take part in and get done. It is not about which group wins, but which one is overall a better social change project.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Group Process

I think a big concept from the reading is the one about having different ideas than what you put out in public. In chapter 50, many of the people were white supremacists, though they do not come right out and say it. It is not socially acceptable anymore to be a white supremacist, so many people keep it just in their family or community. I think that sometimes it is hard to speak up about your opinion, especially if the majority is against what you think. Sometimes if you change your mind mid way through they process, and people are starting to get into it, it is even harder to speak up.

I also think that chapter 18 talks about pre-conceptions. People like to think that their group's idea is the one that will be picked out of the others, and unintentionally we have our ideas about what the outcome should be. People tend to be dissapointed when the outcome isn't what they were expecting. It can be misconstrued sometimes that people aren't listening or taking in what is being said, just because there outcomes isn't what is expected.

Over all I think that process of deciding needs to be more strict and have a more rigid outline. Making the process more of a discuss than an argument and trying to prove whose idea is better.

Monday, March 16, 2009

In Class Simulation

In Wednesday's class, the simulation that we did was a real eye-opener for me about what people go through. It's amazing how quickly people can run through money and suddenly find themselves in debt, debt that can build up very quickly over time. I couldn't believe how difficult it was for us to get the money that we clearly needed. There were forms that needed to be filled out and it seemed like those forms could take days to actually finally be filled out. And as Dr. Johnson said, he cut the forms down considerably. In addition, it was hard reading about how hard our woman had to work to find the money that she needed to support her family because her husband was gone and was no longer paying child support.

In the end the simulation was a real eye opener to what people have to go through to try and support themselves and family members

Sunday, March 15, 2009

in class game

The in class game really put into perspective for me the immense difficulties those who live in poverty go through on a daily basis. I was getting angry, frustrated and wanted to give up just after playing the game for twenty minutes. I don't know how people live like that on a daily basis. It's crazy to think about how the different systems here in America that try and help the lower class don't seem to be doing much of a good job at all.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Class Assignment

I thought the game was a real eye-opener. We are al aware of people on welfare and foodstamps but it was interesting to really see what it takes to live with virtually no money. I thought the welfare office was ewspecially interesting and I thought it was very realistic. It is so difficult and time consuming to attempt to get welfare. It is really sad to think that some people have to give up everything they have to support themselves or a family. Overall I think it was a good exercise for the class because we have done a lot with lower class and people who attempt to live on welfare and work minimum wage jobs.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

In class Exercise

In class yesterday we played a games were we simulated that we were low income families struggling to live comfortable. I thought the exercise was great. It showed how hard it could be for low income families to get around in today's world. In my group our family was a single mom with three kids. The mother worked in the hospital and was being being minimum wage. As a young man who never knew what that felt like I was surprised at how hard and tough it is for these families. It's sad that there's families out there that are just not getting the help needed to live at least comfortably. The exercise really helped show how it is an everyday struggle for these families to survive.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In Class Assingment

I thought that this activity was really neat. It really opened my eyes to how difficult it is for underpriviliged families. It is a lot easier for middle class people to tell them to get a job, but it is very difficult to get a job, and even with a job it is hard to make ends meet. Many of the people helping the poor are not friendly and make it even harder, since the poor often have to make multiple trips to get things done. Therefore wasting time and money, and making it even harder to get a job and move up. It also reinforced the idea that sometimes no matter how hard you work for something it just doesn't get there.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Invisible Children

After seeing this documentary last night I was absolutely appalled. I had no idea that the situation with the children soldiers was going on, and I think the three kids who initally went to Uganda are a prime example that one, or very few people can make a difference. I strongly believe this should be our social change project - participating in the Rescue project will be the most rewarding thing I could ever imagine being a part of. I think most of the students in our class would agree with me in saying that this is a bigger issue than anything we can change here at Siena, and it definitely deserves our attention. What was the biggest shocker to me, and something I discussed with my friend, was that there is one central man who is the leader of all this fear, violence, and kidnapping and we knew where he was - people waited 5 days outside of a "secret hideout" for him to come out of a bush! I don't understand how if the UN has known about him for so long, and they know where he is hiding, that we cannot send special forces in there to capture him. I hope that the awareness Invisible Children is spreading will cause others, especially young people, to realize the atrocities occuring in Uganda and inspire others to participate in making change.

Invisible Children

After seeing this documentary I of course was deeply saddened, but more than anything I was outraged. I don't understand how one man could have so much power and that no other countries are doing anything to stop him. It makes me angry how we are taught in school that history repeats itself and we need to be educated about past events to keep them from happening again. Well isn't this like the Holocaust? Isn't Joseph Kony just like Hitler? Yet no country will take action. To me this is mind boggling that we can just sit back and let innocent children die or have their lives utterly destroyed. I agree with both Jessica and Olivia that this would be a great social change project. As much as I think going green is important, I think this holds priority over everything else. We need to save these children and bring them home once and for all!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Invisible Children

I thought that this was such a moving documentary. It is realy true that most people in the United States know little or nothing about what is going on in Uganda, and many other countries experiencing the same thing. Before the e-mails about this event, I had no idea that this group existed, or what they did, to try and make a difference. I agree with Jessica and think that this would be a really good change project. Just getting people at Siena aware of this would make a big difference and give everyone a greater opportunity for change; and to save the children and families that are killed and kidnapped.

Invisiable Children

I thought this was an amazing documentary and it really hits home because it all started with just three kids attempting to make a difference. I plan to go to the activity in April. I feel like this should be a social change project. I really think we could help or do something and I think it would be so useful and time well spent to help people who have suffered all their lives.

Monday, March 2, 2009


The task of trying to provide a grading rubric for the class is difficult for a number of reasons. First, we have never really been in charge of creating our own rubrics. Teachers usually just hand out a syllabus that defines what will be graded and how it will be done so. Our time in class is also relatively short and so we could not come up with a process on how to all collectively craft our own ideas into a unified decision. Personally I felt like this process was never meant to succeed. I’m not sure if that’s what was intended or if it just wasn’t possible. Either way, I did not feel like anything that I contributed would move the discussion forward. Some in the class viewed this as an opportunity to mold the rubric into one that would be “easy” where they wouldn’t have to put much effort in to receive a good grade. Others were trying to make the rubric fair. This conflict in interest hindered any sort of progress that could have been made.


I feel it is extremely difficult to get around 30 people to agree on one thing without having a few people indifferent about a certain percentage. We all want to put in our input and at times there are so many people talking that can be difficult. I feel that there is a lot of impatience that goes along with this process as well. We don't want to figure this out so we are all waiting to be done with it. We are never all going to have the exact thoughts or feelings. I feel like participating was constructive in this exercise because I could get a feel for how others perceived my ideas and feelings about the grading system. We tried to act like a democracy and get everyones ideas and attempted to get their voices heard. The process is difficult because democracy is not fool proof and because our rules were so loose we were not sure what direction to think it. I believe this whole process gave our class a good learning experience and we are learning to be more hands on instead of just learning about things from a book. Overall, I think it made me learn a lot about minorities and have it is very difficult to go through getting everyone to agree on one thing.

Grade Evaluation

This is such a difficult process because it is something that is very important and shouldn't be taken lightly. We have the opportunity to decide how we will be graded so of course it makes sense why we would all want to take time to think about. Of course most people's instinct is to make this grade evaluation as easy as possible. We want it to work in our favor. One huge obstacle in figuring out this process is that we want to make sure that we assign the right percentages for the the areas that we put the most effort and work in. Many want to make easier areas a higher percentage, but that doesn't make sense when we put less effort into those things. I realized that when my group and I divided up the percentages I accepted it automatically without thinking about it to much. Now I know that this is something that requires much thought and should not be dismissed so quickly.


I feel that this is so difficult because all throughout our grade school we are told what everything is going to be worth. I have been taught that the teacher lays out what the ground rules are and the students are just supposed to follow what they are told. As students we are rarely given the opportunity to decide for ourselves what is the most important. The things considered important to me are the things that are given more weight throughout my previous school years, so at this point I see certain things as more valuable than others.

I tend to hang back and observe what other people think and see how my opinions fit in with what is going on. I try to listen to what others are saying and see if that fits into the overall goal of what is trying to be achieved. Over all I tend only to talk out in small groups, and only say a few things.

Process of Grading

I think that a process like this is such a difficult one because we all place values on different areas in our school work. For me, I am an honors student, who doesn't do much homework. For most of my classes, we write a few papers a year, so that is where the emphasis is put. That is what I am used to. I think that we all come from different backgrounds and we all think differently. Some people think it would be better to have more emphasis on something that we do everyday, like homework and patricipation is our classroom discussions. For other students, they feel that the work that they do on tests and large projects should be rewarded with a higher percentage on that work. This process becomes frustrating for students because we don't understand why other students don't hold the same parts of education in the same light as someone else does. It is easy to get annoyed with someone who doesn't think the same way that we do. I think that at the beginning of this process we all thought it was going to be great and easy getting to have our own rules for grading, but it turned out to be much more difficult than anyone had originally anticipated. I participated much more in my group discussion than I did in the larger group discussion. Though I did give my thoughts, I let others take the reign.


This is a difficult process because there are many different people with many different opinions. With all different people throwing out thier ideas many of the others don't agree. Not everyone is going to be completely happy with any proposal or the end result, and some may be. Different students do better with different types of work; some people are better writers while other may be more apt to participate in class, and therefore those students want what they believe will help them the most with thier individual grade to be the percentage that has the most weight. In relation to civic participation, this process shows the how difficult it is for a group to come to a decision. This process is difficult for us a students, because we are accustomed to having guidelines set for us in class. When the traditional change is thrown out the window, whether we recognize it or not, we panic. We feel we have no idea what we are doing or how we are going to do it.