Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Choosing Siena...

Choosing college was one of the most difficult things that I’ve ever done. I was always the girl who said I could go to school in California and not have a problem functioning while I was across the country from everything I had ever known. I thought that until my parents and I went looking at Catholic University in Washington DC. That five hour trip and feeling the anxiety of being that far away from home, very quickly changed by tune. My neighbor, and the son of one of my mom’s closest friends attended Siena and she suggested to my mom that it might be a good fit for me. We were up here visiting another school and my mom took me just on a drive through the school. I didn’t even have to get out of the car or see the inside of any building, just being on the campus was enough for me. That was where I wanted to be. Visiting only reinforced by decisions. Every other school was always missing something, or what they had wasn’t the same that it was at Siena. Coming from small Catholic schools my whole life, Siena felt like the perfect fit. It wasn’t too big, so I knew I would get a chance to meet most people and it had a very community type feel to it, which I loved. I come from a close family, a close group of friends (some of which I’ve been friends with since pre-school!) even a close neighborhood! I wanted to be in a place where I felt like I belonged.
I am also the oldest child, and I have two siblings behind me. I wanted to think about them. Siena was willing to give me a lot of money, on top of their already pretty affordable tuition. Knowing that I wouldn’t be a heavy burden on my parents made Siena an even better choice for me. While I may have gotten into schools that some may consider “harder,” I knew that I would succeed here. I wanted to do well and I knew I would be able to do that at Siena.
There were a lot of factors that led me to choose Siena, but I know that in the end I made the right decision for me.

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