Monday, February 2, 2009

first dayyyyy

Name: Alana Brady
Hometown: Nanuet, NY
Parents’ Occupation:
Dad: Former Manager of a Store
Part owner of a restaurant in Manhattan
Owns a cookie route
Mom: Registered Nurse in the Pediatric ER of Montefiore Hospital
Year: Sophomore
Residence: Hennepin Hall
Major: History
Minor: Criminal Justice
Programs: Pre-Law and Honors
Activities: Pre-Law Society, Work in the Office of Academic Affairs, hosted a Troop Drive
High School: danced, swim-team, youth group, volunteer work.
Unsure of any parental extra-curricular
Interesting Fact: I never got hurt until my freshman year when I ended up in a sling, broke my nose and cracked my head open in about a span of four months.

My paternal grandparents arrived from Ireland with my dad and his siblings when my dad was a teenager. It would take my dad years to become a full citizen himself but I was there with my mom and siblings when he passed his citizenship test. After that, he took me with him the first time he was able to vote. And I’ll never forget how it felt to be able to watch him finally be able to vote and fulfill his right to be involved in the democratic process.

A powerful learning experience for me came in my junior year of high school. I entered my US1 class, expecting it to be like any other, but this was the class and the teacher that would put me on the path that I am on today. While I had always enjoyed history, it was still just another class to me, until I had this teacher. I had always had teachers that showed passion in what they were teaching, but I had never connected with a teacher the way that I had connected with Ms. LC. She made me really love History, and when people ask me why, honestly I couldn’t really tell you what it was. There was just something there, something in the way she spoke about the topic. It was the way she made you feel like every situation was the most important one to ever happen in history. But it was more than that, it was the care that she showed towards her students, the care she showed to me long after I left her class that made it so important to me.

1 comment:

  1. Jessica Brennan
    Wyckoff, NJ
    Parents Occupation:
    My dad owns a Nissan Dealership
    My mom is a secretary for a small business
    Grade: Freshman
    Resident Hall: Plassmann Hall
    Major: Marketing and Management
    Activities on Campus: Intramurals
    Activities throughout high school: I played softball all year round. I traveled with a club team across the country in the fall and summer and played for my high school in the spring.
    Parents Hobby: My dad loves to golf and my mom enjoys cooking.
    Unique Quality: The only quality I have that is somewhat unique is that I am left handed

    Story of Democracy
    Although it may not seem like an intense form of democracy my story involves high school elections and government. My high school was never involved in many school spirit activities, but my friend desperately wanted to change that by running for senior class president. She worked extremely hard campaigning getting peoples support. After the election she found out that she got the spot. She got the entire student body involved and got the activities they wanted to pursue. In my eyes getting people involved with the authorities that are elected is the meaning of true democracy. We can all work together to achieve an atmosphere we all enjoy living in. I will always remember that senior year of my high school career.

    Good Education
    A powerful learning experience for me occurred outside of the classroom. My dad was the one who taught me this lesson. It was my sophomore year of high school and I really wanted to make the varsity softball team. My dad told me if I work really hard over the off-season that I could make the team and take a starting spot. I worked with him constantly to improve all aspects of my game. It was really hard to keep up with all the little skills I needed to succeed at the next level but it all paid off. I got a starting spot on the team and that year we won the league, county, and state championship. We were named the best team in the state of New Jersey. I will always be grateful of my dad for pushing me and teaching me that hard work can get you anywhere in life. I apply this lesson to everyday and I feel it is a great quality to have.
